The Doggy Diva Show Interview with Sandra Mendelson
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Since 2003, when “The Doggy Diva Show” aired its first broadcast, the radio show has served as a voice in the animal community that has been committed to sharing information with pet owners everywhere who only want the very best for their pets. Hosted by Susan Marie and her canine co-hosts — the doggy divas themselves — the weekly radio show, on, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, PetLifeRadio!
or Acast has served as a respected voice of the national animal community on Florida’s Suncoast and beyond for more than 14 years.
Check out lots more animal channelings at the blog:
For a deeper view of the inner lives of the animal kingdom: We Walk Beside You: Animal Messages for an Awakening World. In paperback, Kindle and Animal Message Cards on Amazon.